How we will use your personal data:
We (Serengeti Finance Ltd trading as “BR Finance”) are required to adhere to and comply with the requirements outlined in the Data Protection Act 1998 regarding the personal data we hold, including personal data about the individuals who have been included in the completion of this form.
The individual signing this application form hereby warrants that all of the above information is true and correct in every aspect.The signatory hereby authorises Serengeti Finance Ltd to gather and use, from time to time, any and all financial and/or credit information relating to the business entity that is subject of this application that can be obtained from any source including banks, trade associations and creditors. The undersigned authorises Serengeti Finance Ltd to utilise credit reference agencies in order to detect and prevent fraud and money laundering, which may involve personal credit searches and electronically validating name and address details.
We are acting as your broker and this mandate is exclusive to ourselves unless you state otherwise. By engaging more than one broker, we cannot guarantee a favourable lending outcome.
Please be aware that too many credit searches could have an adverse effect on your credit profile.
Terms of Engagement
About us
Your enquiry will be handled by an appropriate colleague within Business Ready Finance dependent upon the most suitable product identified to meet your needs. We will advise you which Firm will be handling your Application.
Business Ready Finance is a trading name of Serengetti Finance Limited, registered in England and Wales under Company Registered Number 08926397.
Our role
Business Ready Finance are not funding providers, but will assist clients in finding an appropriate funding provider for their requirement. Our recommendations are based on experience and expertise within the finance industry, and will always be qualified with a second opinion within the team.
You agree not to engage with any other funding providers directly or through another party after engaging with Business Ready Finance for a period of 14 days. Any outstanding offers obtained prior to our engagement must be disclosed. We only get paid on completion so this ensures nobody wastes time including yourself.
Use of your personal data
As part of the Application process, your personal data may also be shared with other relevant parties such as Fraud Prevention Agencies and Credit References Agencies.
Fees - (Subject to discussion on a case by case basis)
A fee of 1% of the funding amount raised (£495 minimum admin fee) will be payable by you, due and only payable on successful completion. An invoice will be raised within 3 working days of completion payable within 24 hours.